"Beware of the Enemy" from 2 Samuel 20

There is no rest in fighting for our faith. Don't relax and always be on guard.
Don't be a trouble maker and avoid trouble makers.
Trouble maker means good for nothing person.
Proverbs 24:21 Fear the Lord and the king my son, and do not join with the rebellious.

Always be reminded of values. We need not to have any jealousy in any dealings of our life.
Don't relax with our relationship, we have to be aware for someone who will destroy our relationship.

Pray every single day. When praying let the presence of God feel you.

If we are slow spiritualy we will not grow. As we grow the enemy will also be strong to destroy us, and so be more prepared.
In order to win with the enemy guard our eyes, mind and heart.
Do not judge or you will be judge. Never relax be aware of the enemy.

Don't let your sin comes to your heart. Do not entertain evil thoughts.
Sin leads to death of our soul. Take it seriously. Sin will destroy us if we are not on guard. Repent and avoid sin.

Proverbs 28:13 He who conceals his sons does not prosper but whoever confess and renunces them finds mercy.

Remember don't be CEO Christians. Fellowship help us to be more aware to avoid sins.

Nice Christian Life Experiences, Beware of the Enemy from 2 Samuel 20



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