"Listen to a Good Advice" from 1 Kings 12

Listen to a Good Advice...
Solomon = means peaceful
When Solomon asks for wisdom - God gave it to him, and even more... but he compromise until he was deceive by his possession and wives to honor other gods.
And as we can see, even the wisest man can fall down. If he went out from the counsel of God.
How much more are we? We're not as wise as Solomon and if we don't follow every God's commandments - what will come to us?

If you don't know how to solve your own problems he must go to mature person not only in knowledge but also in spirit. We all need to listen to mature Christians. And, be a servant of Jesus. If you want to be first be the servant of all.

Proverbs 10:14 Wise men store up knowledge, but the mouth of a fool invites ruin.

Proverbs 19:20 Listen to advice and accept instruction, and in the end you will be wise.

Don't be deceived. Be faithful and be humble. Worship God in spirit and faith.

Isaiah 29:13 The Lord says:
"These people come near to me with their mouth
and honor me with their lips,
but their hearts are far from me.
Their worship of me
is made up only of rules taught by men.

Isaiah 30:1 "Woe to the obstinate children,"
declares the LORD,
"to those who carry out plans that are not mine,
forming an alliance, but not by my Spirit,
heaping sin upon sin;

Matthew 15:8-9 " 'These people honor me with their lips,
but their hearts are far from me.
9 They worship me in vain;
their teachings are but rules taught by men.

Nice Christian Life Experiences



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