"Have an Undivided Heart" from 1 Kings 11

Do you want to get married someday?

But if there's someone who has another lover would you want that person?

Jesus wants us to love only one and we can't serve two masters. Mr. Wisdom (Solomon) fail in this area. Solomon loved so many women from different nations, foreign wives. In which God warns him not to intermarry with. The Lord knows Solomon specially his witnesses. The word for today we should not be unequally yoke.

God knows our plans.

For us we need to continue to depend to God.

1 Corinthians 15:23 But each in his own turn: Christ, the firstfruits; then, when he comes, those who belong to him.

Solomon had the total of 1000 (wives and concubines) which lead him astray. We need to be careful with our God.

Whenever you feel cold in our relationship with God asks and pray to let God help you.

The Lord doesn't care how many times you go to church but God looks at your heart.

Solomon commit the same mistake as his father did but David recognizes his sin and repented.

Solomon didn't follow the Lord completely. Just imagine that Mr. Wisdom (whom God gave a gift of wisdom) can fall into the same mistake his father did, how much more for us? Never assume that you can't fall always be on guard.

Even if we watched movies we must be aware and careful. Seek God's word to help us not to have Undivided heart.

What was in David's heart?

Only for God.

And what was in Solomon's heart?

Is was undivided until he fall away from God.

Sometimes our hearts are divided then we need to go back to the basic things like to seek God first.

Nice Christian Life Experiences



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