"Move Ahead" from Hebrews 6:1-12

As Christian we need to keep in mind our training and then go on to maturity. . .

We need to know what we believe and stick to it to know this basics in elementary truth, we use what we learn.

Move ahead and not laying again the foundation and continue to believe Jesus is the savior. Read Corinthians 3:11

Repentance is a part of understanding in our faith. Repentance change our heart living to please God and not other persons.

The difference between good day and bad day is your attitude.
Right attitude in life. Who am I living for?
Is it the Lord or myself?

Faith in God => Mental understanding and saving faith; receive him not only mentally but through your heart, the one God revealed in three entities => The Father, the Son and The Holy Spirit.

Baptism => is to repent, believe and acknowledge that we received Jesus in our heart and it’s not for salvation because salvation is a free Gift through our faith.

Salvation is a process in life. Move ahead and don’t fall away from the basics of Christianity. Don’t harden our heart before God; Not only we receive but we Move ahead we don’t stay as spiritual babies.

We must have contentment in physical things. But never get content in loving God and loving our neighbors. Fruit of the spirit is Love.

Hold on and live up for God. Move ahead but don’t drop out from the race. God has good plans. Christian life is an adventure, we don’t know what we have for tomorrow continue to trust and be confident.

Walk by faith not by sight.
When you give, give that no one knows and you will receive reward from God. Hebrews 13:16.

Remember: To Move ahead, don’t be too lazy and be comfortable with your life that you forgot about God.

Bible Research:
The oldest Man in the Bible was 969 years old, do you know his name?

Pastor's Message
Mark 1:35 Now in the morning, rising up a great while before day, He went out and departed into a solitary place, and there He prayed.
=no matter how busy Jesus' schedule. He always had prayer as the number one priority of His day. Let's follow Jesus example and pray before we start our day.

Nice Christian Life Experiences



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