"I'm a sinner" from 2 Samuel 8

In an alcohol rehab, a person introduces themselves as "my name is ____ and I'm an alcoholic"... same as being a sinner not "I was a sinner" but "I'm a sinner", we must realize we are all sinner saved by grace we need to over throw our need of flesh and fight the sinful nature that satan brings our way...
Jesus did get over come satan and so we must rely on Jesus never say "I'm in control" and we can overcome it ourselves.

Imagine this, can we go on a day without sin? being perfect no evil thoughts or white lies.

Put on Jesus Christ and don't have or let satan take over, start everyday with prayers. You can't play with fire and not get burn, saying "little sin, little lies" it will only take little by little to finally realize it gets bigger and before we knew it you fall in the trap of satan.

Would you eat a very little virus (example bird flu) to compromise your health?
Read Ep 4:22-24 means put off sinful nature and put on Jesus Christ.

Sin = makes us feel good and delicious but it leads to death going to hell. Psalm 33:16-17 = we need to trust only to God. Don't let possessions possessed you. Dedicate your mind to Jesus and trust in him for salvation.

Nice Christian Life Experiences



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