Don't Judge

A message from Pastor Ken Pascua:

Salamat ginoo sa imong pulong salamat ginoo sa imong gracia Lord tabangi kami kasabot imong pulong Lord give us wisdom give us understanding help us Lord not just to understand with our mind but with our heart . . . Guide us in your truth tonight Lord in Jesus name Amen.

There is a saying “don’t judge the book by its cover” you don’t know what’s on the inside of the book, I know a some book where you looked the book and you open it up, when you looked inside its empty there is nothing inside its where you put your valuables inside the book so you don’t know what’s in the book and you see this book its about the title but it’s not so we can’t judge the book by its cover. I remember once my cousin told me a story about this when he was playing basketball in high school and they are about to choose who’s the player and there was one player he was short and “and I don’t want him in my team, you can’t play with the big boys,” this short basketball player got the ball and he jump all the way and he slam dunk the basketball. And all of the sudden “I want him in my team” and so much important in spiritual things don’t judge what’s in appearance God is the one who sees the heart.

We have to be careful as Christian “Do not judge

Pastor's Message
Isaiah 63:7 I will tell of the kindness of the Lord, the deeds for which he is to be praised, according to all the Lord has done for us yes, the many good things He has done for house of Israel, according to His compassion and many kindness.
=may we praise God for all His kindness, good things He has done and compassion. A good God we have.



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