"Don't Doubt" from 1 Samuel 27

Don't Doubt 1 Samuel 27
Last night was the midweek Bible study in Calvary Chapel, the teachings was really in time for my situation not only in office but also in my faith.
“Do not Doubt” 1 Samuel 27 Pastor Ken told us the story of a person with no glamorous clothes, buying 16 cars...

This person goes in one car dealer shop when the sales man look at his physical appearance, the sales man doubt that this man could buy 16 cars.. and so he said “I really don't know if I can sell 16 cars right away how about going to the next car dealer shop?”
and so he went to the next shop, and he was given 16 cars right away since it was paid in cash he was also given a big discount...
the man who bought the cars was a fisherman, and all of them fishermen that had a big catch and savings that they decided to buy cars at the same time so to have big discount. The moral lesson of the story is that if we have doubts good chance of a lifetime can be missed.
That was a very nice story about Doubt told us by Pastor Ken.

Now for my notes:
The word doubt came from double minded, it also means lack of confidence, belief and faith.
doubts -> leads to worry -> leads to forgetting about God -> leads to trusting ourselves -> leads to being atheist. Read Heb 11:6

Being in doubt is being closer to the enemy. Now when I mention “enemy” here it means the temptations of the devil.
It is the Lord where we should run to whenever we have doubts and not on any persons to seek approval, let God be the first to run to for help, and then you seek help to other persons. We have no reasons to doubt God is with us.

Always be on guard against doubt, Never doubt God's promises.

Do not doubt God's purpose in your life.

Satan wants to put you out in ministry to doubt God's plans and God purpose for you. God has good plans for you do not doubt. Read Romans 8:28

Hold on by faith even if we don't understand God's in control he is on the throne. Remember the story of Jesus on the boat with his disciples.

God will never gave up on you. God loves you come back to the Lord.

Pray if you feel any doubt Pray!
Read Phil 4:6

Do not doubt or be anxious of anything. Prayer is the answer read Prob. 3:5-6.

Trust is the key trust in the Lord.

Doubt your doubt before you doubt your belief.



  1. yeah, what can I say?!.. uhmm...
    i like your last sentence*winks*


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