"Be Devoted to God/good" from Titus 3:8
Being in right/correct order is to Be Devoted to God for example if you were to drive a car the correct order is to start the car and drive but if you drive without starting the car you will not get anywhere it will not work… “Be Devoted to Go(o)d” Titus 3:8 The right order would be God comes first all the time then good works will follow then we are save by grace not by good deeds. God doesn’t bless us by doing good deeds but by what’s in our faith and character. After receiving God’s grace we have the decision to make if we continually do good deeds like think about others, make an effort how we can channel the blessings to others. Remember without God we wouldn’t have anything. Read Psalm 16:2 And John 15:5 => Genuine faith has evidence. Believing and trusting in Christ. It is more blessing to give than to receive. Allow God to use you to be a blessing with someone else. Allow yourself to be use by God. Read 1 Corinthians 3:11 It shows whatever deeds we have is tested not t...