"We Need To Have The Right Attitude" from Matthew 20:1-16
Points to interpret:
Scripture Will interpret itself
See the background of it when parable was said.
Having the right attitude in serving God.
Every one wants to work in God's vine yard.
Who was the land owner?
Who was the worker?
The disciples and living saints.
Vineyard here is refering to work of God or ministry - whether you are in the office, at home or in church.
The purpose of this parable is to remind us that we should not compare to those who have the longer relationship with God as we are all equall in God's sight. This parable has nothing to do with salvation. It doesn't represent rewad to earn a penny.
Are you underestimating people who are new in relationship with God?
We need to store our treasure in our heart and live it out.
Don't compare yourself thinking you are the superior as we have different gifts and no matter who you are God will use you if you let Him. God is not showing favoritism. As we serve the Lord we need to have the right motivation.
It is good to have ambition in life but don't do it in selfish ambition.
We are all equall in the sight of God. Do not under estimate their work in God.
What are our motivation in serving God?
Store your treasure in heaven.
Man look outside but God look inside. God will use you if you have the right attitude. Patience not selfish ambition. We need to have love - the bottom line to serve God.
Pastor's Message
I have known a person who says "I have not sinned and I am sinless". That's extremely brave statement, isn't it? In other words, that person is telling I'm absolutely perfect and declaring that God is a liar! And in reality, the Word of God has no place in his heart. So, I counsel you to confess (tell it and surrender it to God) your sins (1 John 1:9) and open youp heart and receive God's Word and you'll not be changed.
Scripture Will interpret itself
See the background of it when parable was said.
Having the right attitude in serving God.
Every one wants to work in God's vine yard.
Who was the land owner?
Who was the worker?
The disciples and living saints.
Vineyard here is refering to work of God or ministry - whether you are in the office, at home or in church.
The purpose of this parable is to remind us that we should not compare to those who have the longer relationship with God as we are all equall in God's sight. This parable has nothing to do with salvation. It doesn't represent rewad to earn a penny.
1 Corinthians 3:8 The one who plants and the one who waters have one purpose, and they will each be rewarded according to their own labor.
Are you underestimating people who are new in relationship with God?
We need to store our treasure in our heart and live it out.
Don't compare yourself thinking you are the superior as we have different gifts and no matter who you are God will use you if you let Him. God is not showing favoritism. As we serve the Lord we need to have the right motivation.
It is good to have ambition in life but don't do it in selfish ambition.
We are all equall in the sight of God. Do not under estimate their work in God.
What are our motivation in serving God?
Store your treasure in heaven.
Man look outside but God look inside. God will use you if you have the right attitude. Patience not selfish ambition. We need to have love - the bottom line to serve God.
1 Corinthians 15:58 Therefore, my dear brothers and sisters, stand firm. Let nothing move you. Always give yourselves fully to the work of the Lord, because you know that your labor in the Lord is not in vain.
Pastor's Message
1 John 1:10 NIV If we claim we have not sinned, we make him out to be a liar and his word is not in us.
I have known a person who says "I have not sinned and I am sinless". That's extremely brave statement, isn't it? In other words, that person is telling I'm absolutely perfect and declaring that God is a liar! And in reality, the Word of God has no place in his heart. So, I counsel you to confess (tell it and surrender it to God) your sins (1 John 1:9) and open youp heart and receive God's Word and you'll not be changed.
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