"His Word Will Come To Pass" from 2 Chronicles 23

The word of God will always come to pass.

Supporting verse of 23:1-3
1 King 9:5 I will establish your royal throne over Israel forever, as I promised David your father when I said, ‘You shall never fail to have a successor on the throne of Israel.’

Jehoiada - means Jehovah know, yaweh was identified in his life, he was the instrument of God.

Sometimes we misrepresent God in our actions and words, we are only human not perfect but we need to know what actions to follow and never condemn anybody.

Philippians 4:13 I can do all this through him who gives me strength.

Athaliah was a wicked queen that in verse 8 they will protect the king from the wickedness of Athaliah.

Sometimes people trust in the weapon (firearms, etc.) than in God. But we should trust in God more.

We should remember that God's word will be fulfill and know that we should hold on to God's promises.

Revive ourselves. Remember the song revive us, renew us Spirit come and seize us. Revival comes from within us and not from the world. Reviving our life that comes from the Holy Spirit.

It is important to claim God's promises. Learn to feed ourselves with God's word. Faith comes by hearing - hearing the word of God.

Nice Christian Life Experiences~~~


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