"Be More Like Jesus" from Matthew 5
On this chapter Jesus is talking about Godly character. To be humble even if we are blessed. Be hungry and thirsty for righteousness, not for fame and power.
The danger in proper diet - if we eat junk foods it will ruin our appetite. This is the same for our spiritual appetite if we are exposed to garbage information it will ruin our appetite for righteousness.
By showing mercy you will obtain mercy.
Ephesians 4:32 Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ God forgave you.Talk to God and tell Him how you feel then forgive the person even if they didn't ask for forgiveness.
Pure heart - unadulterated heart.
To purify our hearts acknowledge that you don't have a pure heart then allow the Holy Spirit to clean and reformat our old ways.
Pray that God will give you an undivided heart. Respect God and recognize that He is the only one that can help you.
Receiving the grace of God and to experience it so you will be able to give it to others. We are the ambassador of Christ and live at peace with everyone.
Whenever we stand for what is right with God expect to be persecuted. But then even if we are insulted, great are our reward in Heaven. Be happy.
Pastor's Message
Nahum 1:7 The LORD is good, a refuge in times of trouble. He care for those who trust in Him.This is one of the thousand promises of God. And we have 3 reason why we need to trust, believe and claim this verse.
- The LORD IS GOOD - God is good all the time and He will be always GOOD.
- He is our refuge in times of trouble - in His presence we are safe and protected even in times of difficulty and danger.
- He care for those who trust in Him - T - ruly R - ely U - nto our S - avior T - he Lord. Because God cares!
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