"Deal with Your Heart" from 2 Kings 10

In the city today we can see a lot of campaign banner for election, it is so important to know their motives.

Thou we are not perfect let us be molded from God. The first thing we need to deal with our heart.

We must live a blameless life, the word "blameless" means "not perfect" but when we made mistake, we must repent quickly, just like King David he may fail in some areas but he repented and lived a blameless life.

And in dealing with our own hearts; we need to die in our flesh, for us flesh is against the spirit as our flesh want to win, and you will reap what you sow.

In our Christian walk we always have enemy and one of our enemy is pride.

Matthew 6:1 "Be careful not to do your 'acts of righteousness' before men, to be seen by them. If you do, you will have no reward from your Father in heaven.

In anything you do, do it for God glory, and not show off to be seen by man.

When you pray don't be like a hypocrite = means pray with a right heart. So that it will be answered.

Make sure when you serve God don't forget yourself, don't forget your family because our first ministry is our family. Sometimes we do our ministry outside but it is hard for us to minister our own family, be an example to our family.

Search our own hearts and let God fill you with His Holy Spirit. I need you Lord to change and transform me. Devotion must be highlight in our Christian life, we must be sincere with the Lord.
What counts is our relationship today with our Lord and not what happens yesterday.

Nice Christian Life Experiences



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