
Showing posts from February, 2010

"Be Close to Jesus" from 2 Kings 11

The life of Martin Luther is one of the most fascinating stories in the history of Christianity. It has all the stuff of a good novel: parental conflict, spiritual agony, life-changing moments, near-misses, princes, popes, emperors, castles, kidnapping, mobs, revolution, massacres, politics, courage, controversy, disguises, daring escapes, humor and romance. And not only is it a good story, it marks a major turning point in western history and in Christianity. Luther was struck by the power of the simple phrase. He meditated on its meaning for several days, and the full significance of the passage changed his life. No longer terrified of God or enslaved by the system of religious merits, Luther was finally able to rest in the knowledge that faith was all that was necessary to save him. The new perspective became evident in his lectures and conversations with other faculty, and before long his ideas became prominent at the University of Wittenburg. source:

"Watch and Learn" from Jude 12

Watchful against the false teachers, defending our faith is not by debate but sticking to the word of God. To encourage us and continue with our faith. And abiding ourself in God's Love. To watch and learn - we need to be on guard not to judge others. It is not about being perfect. We need to be humble not to attract attention to yourself. They atonish for some time but it shattered in the darkness. Proverbs 19:2 It is not good to have zeal without knowledge, nor to be hasty and miss the way. We need to have the personal relationship with the Lord. Approach God directly. You are considered unGODLY if you don't have any relationship with God, as God knows our heart. 1 Timothy 6:5 and constant friction between men of corrupt mind, who have been robbed of the truth and who think that godliness is a means to financial gain. Romans 10:17 Consequently, faith comes from hearing the message, and the message is heard through the word of Christ. To build ourselves in the most Holy Faith....

"Happy Valentines" from Romans 8:38

"Happy Valentines" from Romans 8:11-38 By Pastor Ken Pascua What is the five letter word that represent Valentines? God is for us who can be against us? God is more powerful than anything on this Earth, God made everything. God didn't created a devil but He created a beautiful Angel who has a free will and that angel chose to go against God - become Satan. We shouldn't be worry in our everyday needs as God is for us He already won the battle. Jesus Christ lay down Is life for us. And when HE was on that cross HE was thinking of us. To give us Hope for eternal life. Psalm 37:4 NIV Delight yourself in the LORD and he will give you the desires of your heart. God's will to accomplish in our lives as HE has better things and plans for us. We need to be reminded the wages of sin is death - Jesus took the it for us. It is finish. We are righteous in the eyes of God as He has loving and compassion, gracious God. Remember the story of The Prodigal Son? Jesus is praying for...

"Deal with Your Heart" from 2 Kings 10

In the city today we can see a lot of campaign banner for election, it is so important to know their motives. Thou we are not perfect let us be molded from God. The first thing we need to deal with our heart. We must live a blameless life, the word "blameless" means "not perfect" but when we made mistake, we must repent quickly, just like King David he may fail in some areas but he repented and lived a blameless life. And in dealing with our own hearts; we need to die in our flesh, for us flesh is against the spirit as our flesh want to win, and you will reap what you sow. In our Christian walk we always have enemy and one of our enemy is pride. Matthew 6:1 "Be careful not to do your 'acts of righteousness' before men, to be seen by them. If you do, you will have no reward from your Father in heaven. In anything you do, do it for God glory, and not show off to be seen by man. When you pray don't be like a hypocrite = means pray with a right heart. ...

"Defend Our Faith" from Jude 1-11

The Book of Jude is all about defending our faith. We may always say have faith but when trials come our faith fades. Jude consider himself a servant of Jesus Christ even thou he is a half brother of Jesus, we need to be humble when we want to grow our faith. As by nature people want to be served and not humble. Be humble physically and most of all inside our heart because the reality - we are nothing, we are saved by grace. To be able to please God and grow we need to depend on Him and to be fruitful, to know what being humble is all about. In order to defend our faith we need to grow, have peace and Love. Continue to be grounded and dependent on His word. How do we protect our faith when we are being target as hypocrite? Hypocrisy is when you act not to sin but inside your heart you are thinking bad. But if you obey God's word and you fail sometimes then we are not a hypocrite because we are trying our best to change our ways. Acknowledge our sins and repent. Nobody's perfect...