"Be Fully Committed" from 1 Kings 15

Be fully Committed from 1 Kings 15

Have you heard the of the humanist teachings?
They don't have any right nor wrong. As long as you don't hurt anybody that's fine. And if you steal other people goods is fine as long as you help other people.

For us Christians we follow what's right and wrong. Dedicated and loyal to God.

We should not tolerate our children to do minor sins, always correct them and be firm in discipline.
Do what is right in the eyes of the Lord and NOT in the eyes of man.

Matthew 10:25 It is enough for the student to be like his teacher, and the servant like his master. If the head of the house has been called Beelzebub, how much more the members of his household!

Love God first forget about family and friends.

Every time we commit a sin and even if we ask for forgiveness there will always be consequences in our actions. Be careful to use your living body as sacrifice not to compromise our faith.

The number 1 sin in our daily life is gossip and lie - all forms of lies be it a white lie is still a lie.
Some people can't live without seeing (all the negative of the other persons) and spreading a gossip (talks) to other people.

We all sin.

But for all of us to fully commit ask a little portion of the Holy Spirit ask God to refresh you and remind you.

For reference in the names seen at 1 Kings 15

Asherah - the (false) goddess of sexuality.
Jehoshapath - Jehovah judges.
Baasha - means wicked.

Nice Christian Life Experiences



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