“God Sees All” from Hebrews 4:12

January 18, 2009

God Sees All and reveal our hearts. Read 2 Timoty 3:16 and Romans 1:16

We are all sinners even if we hide our mistakes God Sees All; we are all can be saved.
Jeremiah 23:29 = don’t worry about tomorrow =>will worry itself.

Sometimes we are overwhelm with problems and we forget how bit our God.
Read Isaiah 55:11 and Isaiah 11:4

Do not let others know what you have given should never be boast about, let God only knows, he knows what we thinks. God knows our every evil thought.

If a thought comes in our mind, it’s not a sin but only a thought, but if we continue to entertain and thinks about an evil thought then it is a sin.

The Bible will keep you from sin but the sin will keep you from the Bible.

Stay in God’s word to keep you away from polluted world.
Hebrews 4:13 Nothing in all creation is hidden from God’s sights.

God Sees All

When people do sins it’s always in the dark. They sin in the dark trying to hide their faces thinking God wouldn’t know.

We should have comforting thoughts. We will be given eternal rewards in heaven.

Mathew 7:21 says we need to come before him honestly confess our sins thru prayers.

Our good works is as filthy as our sins if we do not confess. We must come through with Jesus Christ who died to save our sins, believe in him to complete our salvation.

Store up your treasures in Heaven. Riches do not bring satisfaction only Jesus can.

Pastor's Message
Philippians 4:11 Not that I speak in regard to need, for I have learned in whatever state I am, to be content.
=to be satisfied with what you have and to be thankful for God's blessings is what we need to learn. Paul was able to do this when if had his mind and heart set on Jesus



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